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by Patrick Ferris

帕特里克·费里斯(Patrick Ferris)

可以解释的AI简介,以及我们为什么需要它 (An introduction to explainable AI, and why we need it)

Neural networks (and all of their subtypes) are increasingly being used to build programs that can predict and classify in a myriad of different settings.


Examples include using recurrent neural networks, and using a convolutional neural network. Research published by Google DeepMind has sparked interest in .

示例包括使用递归神经网络的和使用卷积神经网络的 。 谷歌DeepMind发表的研究引发了人们对 。

All of these approaches have advanced many fields and produced usable models that can improve productivity and efficiency.


However, we don’t really know how they work.

但是, 我们真的不知道它们是如何工作的

I was fortunate enough to attend the (KDD) conference this year. Of the talks I went to, there were two main areas of research that seem to be on a lot of people’s minds:

我很幸运地参加了今年的 (KDD)会议。 在我参加的演讲中,很多人似乎都想到了两个主要的研究领域:

  • Firstly, finding a meaningful representation of graph structures to feed into neural networks. from DeepMind gave a talk about their .

    首先,找到图结构的有意义的表示以馈入神经网络。 来自DeepMind的发表了他们的的演讲。

  • The second area, and the focus of this article, are explainable AI models. As we generate newer and more innovative applications for neural networks, the question of ‘How do they work?’ becomes more and more important.

    第二个领域以及本文的重点是可解释的AI模型。 随着我们为神经网络生成更新,更具创新性的应用程序,“它们如何工作?”的问题开始了。 变得越来越重要。

为什么需要可解释的模型? (Why the need for Explainable Models?)

Neural Networks are not infallible.


Besides the problems of overfitting and underfitting that we’ve developed many tools (like Dropout or increasing the data size) to counteract, neural networks operate in an opaque way.


We don’t really know why they make the choices they do. As models become more complex, the task of producing an interpretable version of the model becomes more difficult.

我们真的不知道他们为什么做出选择。 随着模型变得越来越复杂,生成模型的可解释版本的任务变得更加困难。

Take, for example, the (see here for a great on the paper). This is carried out by using a sophisticated approach which analyzes the CNNs and applies differential evolution (a member of the evolutionary class of algorithms).

以为例(请参阅此处,获得纸质 )。 这是通过使用一种复杂的方法来执行的,该方法可以分析CNN并应用差分进化(算法进化类的成员)。

Unlike other optimisation strategies which restrict the objective function to be differentiable, this approach uses an iterative evolutionary algorithm to produce better solutions. Specifically, for this one pixel attack, the only information required was the probabilities of the class labels.

与其他限制目标函数可微的优化策略不同,此方法使用迭代进化算法来产生更好的解决方案。 具体来说,对于这一像素攻击,所需的唯一信息是类别标签的概率。

The relative ease of fooling these neural networks is worrying. Beyond this lies a more systemic problem: trusting a neural network.

愚弄这些神经网络的相对容易性令人担忧。 除此之外,还有一个系统性的问题:信任神经网络。

The best example of this is in the medical domain. Say you are building a neural network (or any black-box model) to help predict heart disease given a patient’s records.

最好的例子是在医学领域。 假设您正在建立神经网络(或任何黑匣子模型)以帮助根据患者的病情预测心脏病。

When you train and test your model, you get a good accuracy and a convincing positive predictive value. You bring it to a clinician and they agree it seems to be a powerful model.

在训练和测试模型时,您将获得良好的准确性和令人信服的积极预测价值。 您将其带给临床医生,他们同意这似乎是一个强大的模型。

But they will be hesitant to use it because you (or the model) cannot answer the simple question: “Why did you predict this person as more likely to develop heart disease?”


This lack of transparency is a problem for the clinician who wants to understand the way the model works to help them improve their service. It is also a problem for the patient who wants a concrete reason for this prediction.

对于临床医生来说,这种缺乏透明度是一个问题,他们希望了解该模型如何帮助他们改善服务质量。 对于想要该预测的具体原因的患者来说也是一个问题。

Ethically, is it right to tell a patient that they have a higher probability of a disease if your only reasoning is that “the black-box told me so”? Health care is as much about science as it is about empathy for the patient.

从伦理上讲,如果您唯一的理由是“黑匣子告诉我”,告诉患者他们患病的可能性较高是否正确? 卫生保健既关乎科学,也关乎病人的同理心。

The field of explainable AI has grown in recent years, and this trend looks set to continue.


What follows are some of the interesting and innovative avenues researchers and machine learning experts are exploring in their search for models which not only perform well, but can tell you why they make the choices they do.


逆时注意模型(RETAIN) (Reversed Time Attention Model (RETAIN))

The RETAIN model was developed at Georgia Institute of Technology by It was introduced to help doctors understand why a model was predicting patients to be at risk of heart failure.

RETAIN模型是由在乔治亚理工学院开发的 引入它是为了帮助医生了解为什么模型预测患者有心力衰竭的风险。

The idea is, given a patients’ hospital visits records which also contain the events of the visit, they could predict the risk of heart failure.


The researchers split the input into two recurrent neural networks. This let them use the on each to understand what the neural network was focusing on.

研究人员将输入分为两个循环神经网络。 这样一来,他们就可以利用每种来了解神经网络所关注的内容。

Once trained, the model could predict a patient’s risk. But it could also make use of the alpha and beta parameters to output which hospital visits (and which events within a visit) influenced its choice.

训练后,该模型可以预测患者的风险。 但是它也可以利用alpha和beta参数来输出哪些医院就诊(以及一次就诊中的哪些事件)影响了其选择。

本地可解释模型不可知的解释(LIME) (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME))

Another approach that has become fairly common in use is .


This is a post-hoc model — it provides an explanation of a decision after it has been made. This means it isn’t a pure ‘glass-box’, transparent model (like decision trees) from start to finish.

这是事后模型-做出决定后提供了解释。 这意味着从始至终,它并不是一个纯粹的“玻璃盒子”,透明模型(例如决策树)。

One of the main strengths of this approach is that it’s model agnostic. It can be applied to any model in order to produce explanations for its predictions.

这种方法的主要优势之一是它与模型无关。 它可以应用于任何模型,以便为其预测提供解释。

The key concept underlying this approach is perturbing the inputs and watching how doing so affects the model’s outputs. This lets us build up a picture of which inputs the model is focusing on and using to make its predictions.

这种方法的基本概念是扰动输入并观察这样做如何影响模型的输出。 这使我们可以建立模型所关注的输入并用于进行预测的图片。

For instance, imagine some kind of CNN for image classification. There are four main steps to using the LIME model to produce an explanation:

例如,想象一下用于图像分类的CNN。 使用LIME模型产生解释的主要步骤有四个:

  • Start with a normal image and use the black-box model to produce a probability distribution over the classes.

  • Then perturb the input in some way. For images, this could be hiding pixels by coloring them grey. Now run these through the black-box model to see the how the probabilities for the class it originally predicted changed.

    然后以某种方式干扰输入。 对于图像,这可以通过将像素着色为灰色来隐藏像素。 现在,通过黑盒模型运行它们,以查看其最初预测的类的概率如何变化。
  • Use an interpretable (usually linear) model like a decision tree on this dataset of perturbations and probabilities to extract the key features which explain the changes. The model is locally weighted — meaning that we care more about the perturbations that are most similar to the original image we were using.

    在这种扰动和概率数据集上使用诸如决策树之类的可解释(通常是线性)模型来提取解释这些变化的关键特征。 该模型是局部加权的-意味着我们更关心与我们使用的原始图像最相似的扰动。
  • Output the features (in our case, pixels) with the greatest weights as our explanation.


分层相关传播(LRP) (Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP))

This uses the idea of relevance redistribution and conservation.


We start with an input (say, an image) and its probability of a classification. Then, work backwards to redistribute this to all of the inputs (in this case pixels).

我们从输入(例如图像)及其分类概率开始。 然后,向后工作以将其重新分配给所有输入(在本例中为像素)。

The redistribution process is fairly simple from layer to layer.


In the above equation, each term represents the following ideas:


  • x_j — the activation value for neuron j in layer l

    x_j —第l层中神经元j的激活值

  • w_j,k — the weighting of the connection between neuron j in layer l and neuron k in layer l + 1

    w_j,k —层l中的神经元j和层l + 1中的神经元k之间的连接权重

  • R_j — Relevance scores for each neuron in layer l

    R_j —第l层中每个神经元的相关性得分

  • R_k — Relevance scores for each neuron in layer l+1

    R_kl + 1层中每个神经元的相关性得分

The epsilon is just a small value to prevent dividing by zero.


As you can see, we can work our way backwards to determine the relevance of individual inputs. Further, we can sort these in order of relevance. This lets us extract a meaningful subset of inputs as our most useful or powerful in making a prediction.

如您所见,我们可以倒退确定各个输入的相关性。 此外,我们可以按照相关性对它们进行排序。 这使我们可以提取有意义的输入子集,作为我们进行预测时最有用或最有效的输入。

接下来是什么? (What next?)

The above methods for producing explainable models are by no means exhaustive. They are a sample of some of the approaches researchers have tried using to produce interpretable predictions from black-box models.

以上产生可解释模型的方法绝不是穷举。 他们是研究人员尝试从黑盒模型中产生可解释的预测的一些方法的样本。

Hopefully this post also sheds some light onto why it is such an important area of research. We need to continue researching these methods, and develop new ones, in order for machine learning to benefit as many fields as possible — in a safe and trustworthy fashion.

希望这篇文章也能阐明为什么它是如此重要的研究领域。 我们需要继续研究这些方法,并开发新方法,以使机器学习以安全和可信赖的方式从尽可能多的领域中受益。

If you find yourself wanting more papers and areas to read about, try some of the following.


  • ’s research on Concept Activation Vectors, as well as the from Victoria Krakovna’s talk at Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference.

    对概念激活向量的研究,以及Victoria Krakovna在神经信息处理系统(NIPS)会议上的演讲的 。

  • A by Dung Huk Park et al. on datasets for measuring explainable models.

    一由粪学今公园等。 在测量可解释模型的数据集上。

  • and ’s on the field in general


Artificial intelligence should not become a powerful deity which we follow blindly. But neither should we forget about it and the beneficial insight it can have. Ideally, we will build flexible and interpretable models that can work in collaboration with experts and their domain knowledge to provide a brighter future for everyone.

人工智能不应成为我们盲目跟随的强大神灵。 但是我们也不应该忘记它以及它可以拥有的有益的见识。 理想情况下,我们将构建可以与专家及其领域知识协作的灵活且可解释的模型,从而为每个人提供光明的未来。




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